Items filtered by date: June 2024

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 00:00

Pretty Feet for Summer

Dry, cracked heels can be an uncomfortable and unsightly problem, particularly in sandal and open-heel season. This condition occurs when the skin on the heels becomes excessively dry, often due to factors like prolonged standing, wearing open-backed shoes, or insufficient moisture. More severe causes can include medical conditions such as diabetes or thyroid problems. Dry, cracked heels feel rough, and the skin may become thickened or develop painful fissures. To treat and prevent this issue, start by moisturizing your feet daily with a rich, emollient cream, focusing on the heel area. Exfoliate regularly with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. Soaking your feet in warm water with Epsom salts can also help soften the skin. Wearing supportive, closed-back shoes and using heel balms can prevent cracks from worsening. If you have a persistent case of cracked heels, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist for treatment and tips on how to keep your feet looking their best.

If the skin on your feet starts to crack, you may want to see a podiatrist to find treatment. If you have any concerns, contact Mark Isenberg, DPM from Center for Podiatric Excellence. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Cracked Heels

It is important to moisturize your cracked heels in order to prevent pain, bleeding, and infection. The reason cracked heels form is because the skin on the foot is too dry to support the immense pressure placed on them. When the foot expands, the dry skin on the foot begins to split.

Ways to Help Heal Them

  • Invest in a good foot cream
  • Try Using Petroleum Jelly
  • Ease up on Soaps
  • Drink Plenty of Water

Ways to Prevent Cracked Heels

  • Moisturize After Showering
  • Skip a Shower
  • Keep Shower Water Lukewarm
  • Don’t Scrub Your Feet

If you are unsure how to proceed in treating cracked heels, seek guidance from a podiatrist. Your doctor will help you with any questions or information you may need. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Pensacola, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Solutions for Cracked Heels
Friday, 21 June 2024 00:00

Heel Pain Can Be Treated!

Do you suffer from heel pain when you get up in the morning? If so, you should seek the professional help of your podiatrist and have a proper diagnosis performed. Heel pain can be caused by several different foot-related conditions.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 00:00

Treatment for Broken Ankles

Broken ankles, or ankle fractures, occur when one or more bones in the ankle joint break due to trauma. This injury can result from falls, sports activities, car accidents, or any situation where the ankle twists or experiences a heavy impact. Symptoms can include severe pain, swelling, bruising, and an inability to bear weight on the affected foot. Treatment depends on the severity of the fracture. Minor fractures may only require immobilization with a cast or brace to allow the bones to heal naturally. More severe fractures, where bones are displaced, might need surgical intervention to realign and stabilize the bones with pins, plates, or screws. Rehabilitation focuses on restoring strength, flexibility, and function through exercises. These exercises might include range-of-motion activities, balance training, and gradual weight-bearing exercises. Prompt and effective treatment is important for optimal recovery. If you suspect a broken ankle, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis and a tailored treatment plan. 

Broken ankles need immediate treatment. If you are seeking treatment, contact Mark Isenberg, DPM from Center for Podiatric Excellence. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet. 

Broken Ankles
A broken ankle is experienced when a person fractures their tibia or fibula in the lower leg and ankle area. Both of these bones are attached at the bottom of the leg and combine to form what we know to be our ankle.

When a physician is referring to a break of the ankle, he or she is usually referring to a break in the area where the tibia and fibula are joined to create our ankle joint. Ankles are more prone to fractures because the ankle is an area that suffers a lot of pressure and stress. There are some obvious signs when a person experiences a fractured ankle, and the following symptoms may be present.

Symptoms of a Fractured Ankle

  • Excessive pain when the area is touched or when any pressure is placed on the ankle
  •  Swelling around the area
  •  Bruising of the area
  • Area appears to be deformed

If you suspect an ankle fracture, it is recommended to seek treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you have your podiatrist diagnose the fracture, the quicker you’ll be on the way towards recovery.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Pensacola, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about All About Broken Ankle

For seniors, falls can pose significant risks to health and independence, and can seriously impact the feet, necessitating the need to make fall prevention techniques in the home important. Start by ensuring adequate lighting throughout the house, especially in hallways, staircases, and bathrooms, to enhance visibility and reduce tripping hazards. Remove clutter and secure loose rugs or carpets to prevent slips and falls. Install grab bars in bathrooms and near toilets and showers to provide stability and support. Additionally, consider adding non-slip mats or adhesive strips to bathtub and shower floors. Keep commonly used items within easy reach to avoid overreaching or straining. Regular exercise to improve strength, balance, and flexibility can also reduce the risk of falls. Ensure that footwear fits well and provides proper support and traction. Regularly review medications with a healthcare provider to identify potential side effects that may increase fall risk. If falling has happened and foot conditions have arisen, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can offer you effective treatment and additional prevention methods.

Preventing falls among the elderly is very important. If you are older and have fallen or fear that you are prone to falling, consult with Mark Isenberg, DPM from Center for Podiatric Excellence. Our doctor will assess your condition and provide you with quality advice and care.

Every 11 seconds, an elderly American is being treated in an emergency room for a fall related injury. Falls are the leading cause of head and hip injuries for those 65 and older. Due to decreases in strength, balance, senses, and lack of awareness, elderly persons are very susceptible to falling. Thankfully, there are a number of things older persons can do to prevent falls.

How to Prevent Falls

Some effective methods that older persons can do to prevent falls include:

  • Enrolling in strength and balance exercise program to increase balance and strength
  • Periodically having your sight and hearing checked
  • Discuss any medications you have with a doctor to see if it increases the risk of falling
  • Clearing the house of falling hazards and installing devices like grab bars and railings
  • Utilizing a walker or cane
  • Wearing shoes that provide good support and cushioning
  • Talking to family members about falling and increasing awareness

Falling can be a traumatic and embarrassing experience for elderly persons; this can make them less willing to leave the house, and less willing to talk to someone about their fears of falling. Doing such things, however, will increase the likelihood of tripping or losing one’s balance. Knowing the causes of falling and how to prevent them is the best way to mitigate the risk of serious injury.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Pensacola, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Falls Prevention
Tuesday, 04 June 2024 00:00

Exercises Can Improve Foot Health

Ensuring the health of your feet is paramount for overall well-being, yet it is a facet of the body that is often disregarded until discomfort arises. With the intricate structure of 28 bones, more than 30 joints, numerous ligaments, tendons and muscles, your feet demand regular maintenance. Starting out the day with gentle calf stretches has been pivotal in alleviating strain, and is especially beneficial for individuals susceptible to overuse conditions like plantar fasciitis. Incorporating simple foot massages with a roller or water bottle aids in releasing tension and fosters relaxation. This simple exercise also offers respite after enduring hours of standing or activity. Foot exercises concentrating on the arch area serve to fortify foot muscles, thereby enhancing stability and bolstering support. By integrating these exercises into your daily routine, you can help to ward off foot pain and fatigue, enabling you to remain on your feet for extended periods of time with reduced strain. If you are experiencing persistent foot pain or discomfort, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for a diagnosis and treatment.

Exercising your feet regularly with the proper foot wear is a great way to prevent injuries and build strength. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact Mark Isenberg, DPM from Center for Podiatric Excellence. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Exercise for Your Feet

Exercise for your feet can help you gain strength, mobility and flexibility in your feet. They say that strengthening your feet can be just as rewarding as strengthening another part of the body. Your feet are very important, and we often forget about them in our daily tasks. But it is because of our feet that are we able to get going and do what we need to. For those of us fortunate enough to not have any foot problems, it is an important gesture to take care of them to ensure good health in the long run.

Some foot health exercises can include ankle pumps, tip-toeing, toe rises, lifting off the floor doing reps and sets, and flexing the toes. It is best to speak with Our doctor to determine an appropriate regimen for your needs. Everyone’s needs and bodies are different, and the activities required to maintain strength in the feet vary from individual to individual. 

Once you get into a routine of doing regular exercise, you may notice a difference in your feet and how strong they may become.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Pensacola, FL . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Exercise for Your Feet

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Advanced Podiatry Services in the Brent, FL and East Hill, North Hill, Cordova Mall, Estates, Bayou Texar, College Park, Azalea park, Bonair in Pensacola, Florida areas